Collecting Techniques
From SPNHC Wiki
Revision as of 03:43, 24 January 2017 by BredaZimkus (Talk | contribs)
Statement of Purpose
These links and documents contain information about best practices for collecting specimens.
Content generated during The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) Annual Joint Meeting - 2016, during an iDigBio sponsored workshop by the following individuals participating in the "Field to Database" Group of the aforementioned workshop: Breda Zimkus, Cesar Aguilar, Ben Frable, Meredith Mahoney, Zachary Randall, and David Wernecke.
Collection Techniques
- Herps
- -Hand collection
- -Nooses, nets (for terrestrial and/or water use)
- -Traps (e.g., crawfish traps, turtle traps, basking traps, buckets, pitfalls with drift fence, funnel trap,
- -Cover boards
- -Digging, raking leaves
- -Shooting, blow guns, sling shots, rubber bands,
- -Sticky traps
- Fishes
- -Hand collection
- -Seines
- Kick/two person
- Beach
- Trawl
- -Cast net
- -Rod and reel
- -Dip netting
- -Gill and trammel netting
- -Trawling
- -Electrofishing
- -Chemical (Rotenone)
- -Spear and bow fishing
- -Traps (minnow, crab, hoop, etc)