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Statement of Purpose

This section includes information related to documentation. Actual handling of specimens and loan preparation (package) information can be found under shipping regulations.



Content generated during The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) Annual Joint Meeting - 2016, during an iDigBio sponsored workshop by the following individuals participating in the "Museum Logistics" working group of the aforementioned workshop:

  • Andy Bentley - University of Kansas, Collection Manager - Fishes
  • Brian Sidlauskas - Oregon State University, Curator of Fishes
  • Caleb McMahan - The Field Museum, Collection Manager of Fishes
  • Norma Salcedo - College of Charleston, Professor
  • Dean Hendrickson - The University of Texas at Austin, Curator of Fishes
  • Alexandra Snyder - Museum of Southwestern Biology - Fishes, Collections Manager

Loan and gift protocols

This section includes information related to documentation. Actual handling of specimens and loan preparation (package) information can be found under shipping regulations.

Outgoing Loans:

Each collection should have official guidelines for loan requests. In general material is requested for specific projects by researchers. Information regarding list of materials requested, condition of outgoing materials, the intended use of the materials, potential published works and any destructive sampling requests should be provided in detail along with shipping address. Loan requests should be made by researchers/advisors on behalf of students, postdocs, etc. and processed through institutional loan-processing systems to assume an institutional record of the transaction.

Sample KU loan requirements - http://ichthyology.biodiversity.ku.edu/ichthyology/collection-loans

Paperwork for shipping box should include copies of loan invoice (inside and outside of box), shipping handler paperwork (KU example - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ma74z96mbulziqg/Shipping%20documentation%20-%20Ichthy%20template%20-%20fish.doc?dl=0), cleared USFWS 3-177, and any other required documentation (e.g CITES, etc.). Boxes should be labeled to avoid shipping problems. If possible new boxes should be used for all loans to avoid confusion with old shipping labels. Sturdy boxes should be used to avoid damage or lost material.

Loans are made to institutions and should be checked in by the relevant collections manager or collections staff. Discrepancies in specimen condition and count as well as terms of loan should be noted on the invoice and lending institution informed before transferring loan to researcher or student. The institution is ultimately responsible for the safe care and return of the materials on or before the due date of the loan or a request should be made for an extension of the loan.

Loans should be invoiced and shipped to advisors in the case of use by students and postdocs. Advisors should agree to be responsible for loan before shipping any materials takes place. Send invoices under separate cover, electronic or paper, as notice of shipment. Invoices should note sending institution (address) and person (contact info - email, phone), receiving institution (address and contact info) and person (contact info - email, phone), length of loan and due date, list of specimens and preservation type as well as detailed loan agreement terms indicating specifics of specimen handling, shipping, destructive sampling, citation and return. A signed copy of the invoice should be returned to the loaning institution as an indication of adherence to the loan agreement conditions.

Sample loan and tissue gift agreements KU agreements - https://www.dropbox.com/s/9kssr9jy3h643pn/KU%20ichthyology%20loan%20agreement.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/u8a4j5qn9fc0hsz/KU%20Ichthyology%20tissue%20gift%20agreement.pdf?dl=0 Permission should be obtained before transferring loaned material between institutions (e.g. moving to a new institution). Institutions should develop protocols for return of loans and borrowed material by staff or students before they leave the institution.

Internal loans:

Additional guidelines related to material requested for internal use (e.g. research as well as exhibits, teaching, outreach, etc.) will vary across institutions. Keeping track of these transactions adds to the documentation of collection use.

Tracking loans:

Both types of loans should be tracked and notice for return or renewal of loans should be performed on a frequent basis to ensure that institutional knowledge is not lost and loans do not become delinquent.

Link to shipping info: http://spnhc.biowikifarm.net/wiki/Shipping_and_Handling_of_Dangerous_Goods


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